Thursday, January 26, 2012


     Ashland has been an absolute pleasure and a great learning experience, but Matt and I are saying goodbye and going back to Los Angeles (at least for now). We had been going back and forth about what we should do: Stick it out until Ashland's tourist season comes, which is still two months away, in hopes of getting jobs when business picks up, or head back to LA. The back and forth nature of our plans was driving me up a wall. Our decision to go back was in no way sudden or without great consideration, and ultimately we came to this decision because I love Ashland not Medford. A fifteen minute drive between the two cities, and yet they feel like different countries. Ashland is, however, much more expensive than Medford.... might as well be in LA.
     It is kind of funny how unpredictable life can be at times and how unclear our paths really are.

I was walking in one direction with confidence only to find myself somehow off course having to back track. When I got back to the place I had trod so confidently before I did not find a single perfect path but rather an intricate labyrinth. Fortunately, it was not frightening for me to see all of the different possibilities. Instead I stood there marveling at the beauty of it all before I tried again a bit more cautiously.
     I walk my path with intent. I have a purpose. I have dreams to follow. I have a direction. I have many lessons to learn.
     Goodness, I miss free parking after 5PM at the Getty Museum on Saturdays. I miss day trips to Solvang. I miss my mom arguing with me about how to pronounce 'Solvang'.
I am going to miss the scenic beauty of Ashland, the walker friendly roads, and most of all my cousin, her husband, and their kids.
I look forward to the future and walking in a new direction.

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