Wednesday, November 23, 2011

What about the story of stuff?

Have you ever heard of  "The Story of Stuff"... if you haven't you can google it, find the link, and watch the video. It is an interesting story about consumerism. Yet by the end of the video, although I felt more aware of the problem, I was upset by the lack of insight into a real solution. How do we, as a consumer society, fix our lifestyle to maintain a healthier planet.
My initial reaction was to think about how much crap I waste and how much a part of this problem I am. Then I thought I am not nearly as bad as a lot of other people. So I was sort of pointing the blame else where you could say, and I think that is because there is no fix-it plan suggested. With no plan, no guide to follow, what am I expected to do?
I think that the ending should have encouraged us to be creative, but more importantly, I think it should have encouraged change no matter how small or simple it may seem. Just start doing something different that you know is better, smarter, and allows you to really use your imagination.

Test yourself! Can't you sew that tear in your sock, can't you fix the eye on your kids teddy bear, can't you compost, can't you keep a plant alive (even one that sits in your house by the kitchen sink). If you do not believe that you can sew, fix, keep, mend, etc. you are wrong. Go on and/or more. There is no excuse in our day and age, because we have the ability to educate ourselves easily through these resources.
And please share your ideas and your success stories!